The Ultimate Analysis & Review of the Final Season of Game of Thrones

A digital symbolic painting of Daenerys Targaryen's fiery descent into madness
A digital symbolic painting of Daenerys Targaryen's fiery descent into madness

The final season and especially last episode of Game of Thrones, “The Iron Throne,” received significant criticism from fans and viewers for its rushed and unsatisfying resolution of many of the show’s long-standing plotlines.

Many fans felt that the last season and finale did not do justice to the complex and nuanced character development that had been a hallmark of the series throughout its run. The finale was criticized for not providing closure to several major characters’ storylines, and for not addressing many of the questions that had been raised throughout the series.

Another major point of criticism was the lack of logic and consistency in the decision-making of the characters, particularly in regard to the choices that led to the final resolution.

Daenerys Targaryen’s Portrayal of Madness

Daenerys Targaryen’s descent into madness and her eventual decision to burn King’s Landing was one of the most criticized elements of the finale. Many fans felt that her actions were out of character for the character that had been developed throughout the series. Throughout the show, Daenerys had always been portrayed as a leader who was motivated by a desire to free the oppressed and build a better world. However, in the final season, her actions became increasingly erratic and violent, culminating in her decision to burn King’s Landing and kill innocent civilians.

Critics felt that this sudden change in her character was not adequately explained or justified. Some fans pointed out that there were no hints or foreshadowing of Daenerys’ descent into madness in the previous seasons. Some argued that her decision to burn King’s Landing may have been motivated by her desire to show her power and strength, but this was not in line with her goals of liberating people and creating a better world.

Additionally, the decision to kill Daenerys in the finale was also criticized as it was not based on any logical reasoning or consistency. The way the other characters reacted to her actions, and the way in which her death was portrayed, was also considered to be illogical and inconsistent.

Furthermore, the way the final resolution was handled was not consistent with the established themes and motifs of the show. Many fans felt that the finale failed to address many of the questions that had been raised throughout the series, and failed to provide closure to many of the characters’ storylines.

Overall, the decision-making of the characters, particularly in regard to the choices that led to the final resolution, was considered to be illogical, inconsistent and poorly explained, which caused a lot of dissatisfaction among the fans of the show.

The Night’s Watch and Jon Snow

The Night’s Watch, which had been an important aspect of the show since the beginning, was criticized for its handling in the final season. Many fans felt that the Night’s Watch’s role in the final season was not consistent with its role throughout the series. The Night’s Watch had been established as an organization that was dedicated to protecting the realm from the threats beyond the Wall, however, in the final season, its role was reduced to merely being a background element.

Additionally, Jon Snow’s story arc and his ultimate decision to return to the Night’s Watch were also criticized by fans. Many felt that Jon’s arc did not receive the proper resolution that it deserved. Throughout the series, Jon’s journey had been one of the most compelling storylines and his decision to return to the Night’s Watch felt like a step back for the character, and not a fitting resolution for the journey he had been through.

Critics also pointed out that the Night’s Watch’s role in the final resolution of the series was not clear, and it was not explained how the Night’s Watch would continue to protect the realm from the threats beyond the Wall. Many felt that the Night’s Watch’s role in the final season was not consistent with its role throughout the series, and it was not given the attention it deserved.

A digital symbolic painting of Jon Snow on top of the wall

Furthermore, the way Jon Snow’s character was handled in the final episodes was criticized by many. Many felt that his decision to kill Daenerys and his subsequent punishment of being sent back to the Night’s Watch was not consistent with his character development and his motivations throughout the series.

Overall, the Night’s Watch and Jon Snow’s story arc were criticized for not being given the proper attention, resolution and consistency that they deserved in the final season, which disappointed many fans of the show.

Sansa, Arya and Bran Stark

The ending for fan-favorite characters like Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, and Bran Stark was not as fulfilling as the audience expected it to be.

Sansa Stark’s story arc, in particular, was criticized for not receiving the proper resolution that it deserved. Throughout the series, Sansa had been on a journey of growth and development, becoming a powerful and capable leader. However, in the final season, her role was reduced to being a background character, and her ultimate decision to become the Queen in the North was not given the proper attention and development that it deserved.

Arya Stark’s ending was also criticized as it was not in line with her character’s journey throughout the series. Her decision to leave Winterfell and explore what’s west of Westeros felt like a deviation from her character’s motivation of seeking justice and avenging her family.

Bran Stark’s story arc was also criticized for not being given the proper resolution that it deserved. His decision to become the King of the Seven Kingdoms and his abilities as a leader were not given the proper attention and development that it deserved. Many felt that his ending was not satisfying and not in line with his character’s journey throughout the series.

Overall, the endings for Sansa Stark, Arya Stark and Bran Stark were criticized for not being given the proper attention, development and consistency that they deserved in the final season, which disappointed many fans of the show. The endings for these fan-favorite characters felt rushed, abrupt and not in line with their character’s journey and motivations throughout the series.

Writing, Pacing and Directing

One of the main criticisms was the poor pacing of the final season. Many felt that the season was rushed and that important scenes and plot points were not given enough time to develop properly. The fast-paced nature of the final season left many viewers feeling that important character developments and plot twists were not given the proper attention they deserved.

Another major criticism was the poor writing. Many felt that the dialogue was often clunky and that important moments were not given the proper weight and gravitas. Fans felt that the final season failed to capture the complexity and nuance that had been a hallmark of the series throughout its run.

The final season was also criticized for its poor directing. Critics felt that the final season lacked the visual flair and storytelling that had been a highlight of the show throughout its run. The final season was often criticized for its lack of attention to detail and poor use of special effects.

The final season was also criticized for its lack of proper build-up, character development, and attention to detail. Many felt that the final season failed to address many of the questions that had been raised throughout the series and failed to provide closure to many of the characters’ storylines.

Overall, the final season of Game of Thrones was heavily criticized for its poor writing, pacing, and directing, which left many fans feeling disappointed and unsatisfied. The lack of proper buildup, character development and attention to detail were some of the major issues fans had with the final season.

The Death of Major Characters and the Lack of Proper Consequences

The way the show handled the death of major characters in the final season was heavily criticized by fans for several reasons. One of the main criticisms was the lack of consequences for the death of major characters. Many felt that the death of characters such as Varys, Melisandre, and The Night King did not have a significant impact on the plot or the characters’ development in the final season. They felt that the death of these characters was not given the proper attention and significance that it deserved, and it was not consistent with their character development and actions throughout the final season.

Additionally, the death of several major characters was criticized for feeling rushed and abrupt in the final season. Many felt that the death of characters such as Rhaegal, Theon Greyjoy and Euron Greyjoy were not given the proper time and attention to develop in the final season and that it was not given the proper emotional weight. The way these characters were killed, and the lack of proper setup and build-up in the final season, left many fans feeling unsatisfied.

Furthermore, the death of some characters were criticized for feeling undeserved or out of character in the final season. For example, the death of Daenerys Targaryen was criticized by many for not being consistent with her character development and her actions throughout the final season.

Moreover, the death of major characters were not given the proper closure in the final season, which left many fans feeling unsatisfied. The death of characters such as Jorah Mormont, Missandei and Lord Varys were not given the proper closure in the final season, which left many questions unanswered and fans felt that their death was not given the proper weight and significance that they deserved.

Overall, the way the show handled the death of major characters in the final season was heavily criticized by fans for the lack of consequences, for feeling rushed and abrupt, for feeling undeserved or out of character, and for not being given proper closure. Many felt that the death of these characters were not given the proper weight and significance and that it was not given the proper time and attention to develop in the final season.

The Battle of King’s Landing

The final battle in the last season of Game of Thrones, specifically the Battle of King’s Landing, was heavily criticized for its portrayal. Many fans felt that the final battle lacked the scale, intensity, and tension that had been a highlight of the show throughout its run.

One of the main criticisms was that the final battle was not given enough time and attention to develop properly. Many felt that the final battle was rushed and that important moments such as the fall of the city and the death of innocent citizens were not given enough time to be properly established and executed. The fast-paced nature of the final battle left many viewers feeling that the stakes were not high enough and that the tension was not palpable.

Another major criticism was that the final battle was not consistent with the established themes and motifs of the show. Many felt that the final battle did not capture the sense of epic fantasy and the moral complexity that had been a hallmark of the series throughout its run. The use of dragon fire and the scale of destruction in the final battle was considered to be too excessive, and it did not align with the show’s consistent theme of the high cost of war and its impact on the innocent.

Additionally, the final battle was criticized for its lack of attention to detail and poor use of special effects. Many felt that the final battle lacked the realism and the cinematic quality that had been a highlight of the show throughout its run. The final battle was often criticized for its unrealistic depiction of the dragon’s fire, the lack of proper choreography in the fight scenes, and the poor use of CGI.

a painting of Daenerys Targaryen on her spitting-fire dragons

Furthermore, the final battle was criticized for not having a clear objective and for not being consistent with the motivations of the characters and the stakes of the show. Many felt that the final battle was not well-planned and that it was not in line with the established themes and motifs of the show. The final battle was criticized for not providing a sense of victory or a sense of accomplishment for the characters, and it left many fans feeling unsatisfied.

Overall, the final battle in the last season of Game of Thrones, specifically the Battle of King’s Landing, was heavily criticized for its portrayal. Many felt that the final battle lacked the scale, intensity, and tension that had been a highlight of the show throughout its run, it was not consistent with the established themes and motifs of the show, it was rushed, and it lacked attention to detail and realism.


In conclusion, the final season and especially the last episode of Game of Thrones, “The Iron Throne,” received significant criticism from fans and viewers for its rushed and unsatisfying resolution of many of the show’s long-standing plotlines.

The finale was criticized for not providing closure to several major characters’ storylines, and for not addressing many of the questions that had been raised throughout the series. The decision-making of the characters, particularly in regard to the choices that led to the final resolution, was considered to be illogical, inconsistent and poorly explained, which caused a lot of dissatisfaction among the fans of the show.

The final season failed to live up to the high standards set by the preceding seasons of the show, leaving many fans feeling disappointed and unsatisfied.

Suggestions and Recommendations

Here’s a list of suggestions and recommendations with practical examples about how the final season of Game of Thrones could be improved:

  1. Provide adequate explanation and justification for the sudden change in character development, particularly for Daenerys Targaryen’s descent into madness. This could include adding scenes that provide hints or foreshadowing of her change, such as showing her struggle with the weight of her responsibilities, her fear of not being able to fulfill her vision or her frustration with the politics of the Seven Kingdoms. It could also include providing more insight into her motivations and mindset, such as showing her inner monologue or her conversations with other characters.
  2. Ensure logical and consistent decision-making for the characters, and make sure that their actions align with their established goals and motivations. This could include showing how the characters come to their decisions, the thought process behind them, and the consequences of their actions. It could also include showing how their actions are motivated by their beliefs, values, and goals, and how they align with their established character arc.
  3. Develop the final resolution of the series in a way that is consistent with the established themes and motifs of the show. This could include providing closure to many of the characters’ storylines, such as showing how the characters find peace, redemption or closure. It could also include addressing questions that have been raised throughout the series, such as the true nature of the White Walkers, the true identity of Jon Snow, or the fate of the Iron Throne.
  4. Give proper resolution and attention to the Night’s Watch, ensuring that its role in the final season is consistent with its role throughout the series, and that it’s role in the final resolution is explained clearly. This could include showing how the Night’s Watch continues to protect the realm from the threats beyond the Wall, how it adapts to the new political order, and how its members deal with the end of their watch.
  5. Give proper resolution and attention to the story arc of all major characters, ensuring that their journeys receive the proper attention and that their decisions are fitting for the journey they have been through. This could include showing how the characters’ journeys come full circle, how they have grown and evolved over the course of the series, and how their decisions and actions align with their established character arc. It could also include providing a sense of closure and satisfaction for the audience, by showing the characters achieving their goals or finding peace and happiness.
  6. Develop the final battle and its portrayal with more attention to detail and realism, ensuring that it captures the sense of epic fantasy and the moral complexity that had been a hallmark of the series throughout its run. This could include showing the logistical challenges of organizing and executing a battle of this scale, the impact of the battle on the innocent civilians, and the moral dilemmas faced by the characters.
  7. Take the time to properly establish and execute important moments, such as the fall of King’s Landing, to ensure that the stakes are high and the tension is palpable. This could include showing the build-up to the fall of the city, the reactions of the characters and the civilians, and the aftermath of the event.
  8. Provide more time and attention to the special effects and CGI, and ensure that they are used in a realistic and visually pleasing way. This could include investing in better quality special effects, paying attention to the small details, and ensuring that the CGI enhances the story rather than detracting from it.
  9. Show the consequences of war and violence on the innocent and the characters, ensuring that the high cost of war is highlighted in a consistent manner throughout the show. This could include showing the physical and emotional toll of war on the characters and the civilians, the impact on the economy and the society, and the long-term consequences of the war.
  10. Add more scenes that provide a sense of victory or accomplishment for the characters, ensuring that the final resolution leaves the audience feeling satisfied. This could include showing characters achieving their goals, finding happiness or success, or finding a sense of closure and peace. It could also include showing the positive impact of the characters’ actions on the world, such as the establishment of a just and fair government, the rebuilding of a destroyed city, or the reuniting of families. These scenes would provide a sense of hope and optimism for the audience, and would help to balance out the darker and more tragic elements of the story.

This Essay was created by ChatGPT and the images by DALL-E 2. Edited by Omri Shabath.